You will be seen by our Occupational Therapist, Minh Nguyen, for assessment and treatments. On occasion, your session may include consults by our interdisciplinary team at our OT’s discretion.

We provide appropriate treatment times: every therapy appointment is approximately 45 to 60 minutes, working with one therapist.

We provide an integrated approach: we work with and refer to a variety of local health providers.

We provide appropriate exercise based programs: no need for expensive equipment. We prescribe exercises you can do in your home.

We provide an outcome based approach: we have an amazing track record of improving and helping even the toughest cases.

We also have a fascial stretch therapist in our clinic! Please see their information below for further information and scheduling details:

Carrie Kelsey (541) 340 – 0841 | Level II Certified Fasical Stretch Therapist | Available Tuesdays and Thursdays